Great news for the kennel Bichon Frise in Israel. Winner - "Dog of the Year 2022"

Freya Belosnezniy Aristocrat - absolute winner of the "Dog of the Year 2022 in Israel" among the Bichon Frise breed according to the results of all competitions!

To obtain the Dog of the Year 2022 status, it was necessary to collect the maximum number of awards, which were converted into points, throughout the year!

All applicants are traditionally judged by their appearance, movement and temperament. Components assessed also include coat quality, eye color, shape of ears, paws, tail and other body parts.

Many thanks to our breeder Zinaida Bublik (Ukraine). Kennel: Belosnezniy Aristocrat
Many thanks to our groomer Yael Shapira Vaknin for her art and professionalism.

Thanks to everyone who helped and supported us!


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